26 July 2007

Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. New York: Scholastic, 2007.

I had the unfortunate experience of running across an unannounced spoiler on that wretched Wikipedia while innocently trying to recall who Malvolo Gaunt was, and so I'll spare you any and just say Finished! I'll also thank the good people at Scholastic for releasing HP books in the summertime when it's quite easy for me to shut myself in for two days and consume the books in a couple extended sittings.

Oh, and with the final episode of the Sopranos at the beginning of it, this summer is becoming the Summer of Big Things Ending. It's possibly the essential end of the decade, seeing as how this series of books and that series of television shows have been at the forefront of everyone's consciousness for the past 7 or 8 years. And now they're done. I know it's not the technical end of the decade, but it might be the end of the era as people study it.

The twentieth century really began in 1914, didn't you know? Certainly the Oughts, or whatever it is we end up calling this decade, well end with the dethroning of Bush, and that's only a year away.

So get ready, is all I'm saying.


Oh, and this is my 100th post here. I thought that would have happened a lot sooner....


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