03 February 2008

Nabokov, Vladimir. Lolita. New York: Vintage, 1989.

Another reread. There's one line that sticks out to me more than any other, even this long after I Finished! the book: "Lolita girl! Brave Dolly Schiller!"

This is if you recall who Lolita becomes, this Dolly Schiller gal, pregnant and married to a working class guy named Joe (I think). I found it hard while reading this book to worry about Humbert's creepiness, or his criminality. I found it easy while reading this book to hate Humbert all the same, or well no, not hate but I guess laugh at in ways Nabokov I think invited me to. And then chapter 29 in part 2 came along (the place from where the above quote is taken) and I found it very hard to do the latter, very easy to do the former, and I ended up caring so fully for this guy. How does this happen?

And wow how about all those dick jokes, huh? "I loved you. I was a pentapod monster, but I loved you."


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